Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good day

Yesterday was a good day, even as the day got crazy at points. I had a little lady who was 92 and hard of hearing - to talk to her, I'd end up putting my forehead to hers, and yell into her "good ear". At shift change, I went in to say goodbye. She gripped my hand - "is it time for you to go home?"--I told her it was; "will you be back in the morning?"--I told her that no, I wouldn't be; that she'd have to train a new nurse; "I LOVED having you today. You were SO good to me"

Apparently, it was my orientee's last day on orientation, so she decided to take me out as a 'thank-you' for being her preceptor. We went for food, where we both got drinks, and I tasted my 1st-ever 'fru-fru' drink, and the waiter was ....smarmy. We talked quite a bit, and had planned on seeing a late movie, but didn't buy tickets beforehand, and it was sold out by the time we got there. We decided to rain-check the movie, and I came home.

I came up the stairs to the main floor and got my mail out of the box---I received a thank you from my brother and newest SIL--only 4 months since their wedding! I laughed and went up the stairs to my apartment, and an envelope was laying against my door.

More mail!


It was a good day.

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